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Crown Radio - Latest Episodes

It’s Crazy Money Day!  Someone claiming to be a federal agent called an elderly woman to report identity theft. Working with his colleagues while on

Crazy Money! Gold Bar Scam

Are you planning a getaway in the future? If your family wants to get away this fall, begin saving right now. Consider your options carefully

Are You Planning a Getaway?

Are you struggling to pay your rent or mortgage? LendingTree recently reported that 20% of owner-occupied households in the U.S. are house-poor. Many are spending

Are You House Poor?

Know any Spanish speakers? The Hispanic population in America is growing. In 2021, 63 million people of Hispanic origin were living in the U.S. That

Testimony Tuesday – Latin America

It’s Crazy Money Day! Tucked in the back of the Old Testament is a remarkable story of God’s provision for a woman in a desperate

Crazy Money! The Widow and the Oil

We’re expected to be faithful. Operating within God’s economy starts in our heart – recognizing that we’re not owners, but temporary trustees of whatever God

The Virtuous Cycle

Are you struggling to give and save? People often struggle with the desire to save more while also giving more. Most of the articles I’ve

Struggling to Give and Save?

Are you feeling hopeless about your finances? I’ve known men who have committed suicide over their failures with money. They couldn’t handle the loss, the

Abide in Christ and Abound With Hope

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