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You can help others build a life of freedom and purpose for their money and identity.

Help Others Live Out the Principles and Practices of God’s Economy

When you give to Crown, you become part of a community of faithful stewards committed to helping people understand who they are, what they have and how to use both for greater Kingdom purposes in the world.

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Become a Consultant or Coach

If you’re passionate about helping others find true financial freedom, apply to work with us!

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Lives That Have Been Changed

Read the stories of how Crown’s work around the world is changing lives and communities.

Personal Stories USA
“Where is my heart? To whom should I give?”
We recently received this encouraging testimony from Tammy Thain whose life, faith and financial journey has been impacted by...
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Around the World
The Impact of the African Money Map Training in Zimbabwe
The Foundations for Farming Zimbabwe team recently share with us an exciting update regarding the positive impact their Money...
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Around the World
Journey to Financial Stability in the Philippines
  Ruth, a leader among Philippine Adventist Medical Aviation Services (PAMAS) workers and their wives, completed FARM STEW training...
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Around the World
Partner of the Month: Atanas Mzee
Atanas Mzee, Crown’s Partner of the Month, recently shared some exciting developments at Buckner Kenya that we’re delighted to...
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Component 9
Launch A Program

Launch a Program in Your Community

We want to equip local leaders to bring biblical truths about identity and money to their communities. If you’re interested in launching a program in your church, small group, or community, get in touch with us today.

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Join Crown’s Mission

We couldn’t do any of this without our incredible partnerships. If you’re interested in joining our mission to help people understand who they are, what they have, and how to use both well, click the button below.

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