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“Where is my heart? To whom should I give?”

We recently received this encouraging testimony from Tammy Thain whose life, faith and financial journey has been impacted by our Budget Coaching program.

July Newsletter Images

“Being in the circumstances that I find myself, I needed this financial course in a huge way! I have gleaned so much from this course, especially from the spiritual aspect of finances: Where is my heart? To whom should I give? Is my family provided for?  My coach was perfectly placed in my life and situation by God! What a blessing, a help, and tremendous teacher she has been!

The significant lesson was how God wants me to work, give, save, spend, and invest – and the Bible verses that go along with each of these.  A change in my heart to understand what God wants of me. To understand His economy of how we are to steward what He’s given us. Everything is His!  Chuck’s videos were Spirit-filled. The videos spoke life back into my heart concerning God’s desire for me to use my gifts that He’s given me and to give generously, and that it is all for God’s glory.”

Rediscovering Financial Freedom through Budget Coaching


Mark and Claire Pelletier have rediscovered financial stability and marital harmony through the help of their Crown Budget Coach. Claire Pelletier shared with us, “We have been struggling for years to stay on top of our ‘budget’ — we (mostly me) made purchases out of wants and without much reflection. When we sat to look at our ‘numbers’ together, it was a source of stress. Mark is more of a saver and not a spender; I am the opposite. We also approach money differently: the way we look at our budget, the way we spend.”

The couple recognized their need for external assistance, reminiscent of the guidance they received two decades ago through a Crown Bible Study course at their church. Claire recalled, “We knew we needed something or someone to help us get back on track and to approach it (again) the way we had done almost 20 years ago. We wanted that sense of peace again and we wanted to get out of debt, which was a great source of stress for Mark. So I searched online for Crown and found this online mentoring option, which I thought would be perfect for this time in our life. And it has been!”

Mark echoed Claire’s sentiments, emphasizing the transformative impact of the coaching: “The Crown class was an answer to prayer as we had gotten into too much debt and felt controlled by it. The course has made us re-evaluate our use of money and we are growing in our understanding of what it means to be good stewards.”

One of the critical changes the Pelletiers implemented was eliminating their reliance on credit cards. Mark noted, “First and foremost, we have stopped using our credit card for all our purchases as it became obvious that the card was the primary source of our problem. We switched to using our debit card for our day-to-day purchases.”

Additionally, they have become more discerning in their spending habits. Mark explained, “Growing in understanding and working to implement the principle of needs vs. wants vs. desires. Now when we food shop, for instance, we get what we need. Same with other shopping.”

Another significant step the couple has taken is establishing a savings account for emergencies. “We have also established a savings account for emergencies, something we have not done since we were first married 35 years ago,” said Mark. “This has resulted in greater peace and trust in God.”

Weekly financial reviews have also played a crucial role in their progress. Claire highlighted the importance of these discussions: “It is important being consistent and committed to discussing our finances on a weekly basis. It has made us hold each other accountable, given us a renewed sense of direction and hope: we are making decisions together again a lot more easily and (which is key for us) more frequently.”

Mark added, “A weekly review of our spending has helped us be more open and confident in discussing our use of money.”

Through prayer and trust in divine provision, the Pelletiers have found greater financial peace. “We are praying a lot more about our finances and trusting that God will provide in His own way,” Mark shared. “We actually have started to put away true emergency savings and believe this is part of being a good steward.”

In conclusion, the Pelletiers’ journey demonstrates the profound impact of Budget Coaching and spiritual stewardship in achieving financial peace and marital harmony. As Claire succinctly put it, “It feels great to approach this part of our marriage together and to work towards growing in Godly stewardship of ALL He has given us.”

Testimony Spotlight: A Commitment to Stewardship

Testimony Spotlight: A Commitment to Stewardship

Hear the inspiring testimony of Pam and Fred Hartzler as they share how embracing the concept of God’s ownership has deeply influenced their lives.

Finding True Financial Freedom

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Jim and Brenda Martin were a couple who had always dreamed of financial freedom but found themselves entangled in a web of credit card debts, overspending, and missed opportunities. One day, they decided that enough was enough – it was time to take control of their finances and embark on a journey towards a more secure future.

Their journey began with a decision that would prove to be both challenging and rewarding: enrolling in Crown’s Budget Coaching program. As they stepped into this program, they had no idea just how transformative it would be for their lives.

Jim reflected on the course. “This has been a challenging, convicting, and rewarding course,” he admitted. The program forced them to critically examine their spending habits, the importance of saving, the power of giving, and the potential of investing wisely. What ignited their hope, however, was the realization that they could claw their way out of their debt-laden existence and stay debt-free.

Brenda’s perspective was just as enlightening. “This course has been very enlightening and convicting,” she expressed. She wrestled with regrets for not taking such steps years ago. Nevertheless, she found encouragement in the course’s emphasis on starting from where they were and moving forward with newfound wisdom.

The couple’s beliefs were being challenged by their behaviors – a stark contrast they could no longer ignore. The blind spots in their financial habits were no longer concealed; the course had spotlighted them with undeniable clarity. Priscilla Douglas, their Budget Coach and guide through this transformative process, played a pivotal role with her patience, compassion, and unwavering commitment to their financial well-being.

Jim recognized the need for discipline and diligence as they navigated the intricacies of their cash flow. The allure of “try it free for a month” offers, which had quietly drained their finances, was now seen for what it was: a costly temptation that had to be firmly resisted.

Brenda realized that while trusting in God’s providence was essential, it did not absolve her from the responsibility of being a careful steward of the resources they’d been entrusted with.

Trusting God to do what He can do, and taking practical steps to faithfully do their part, creating a budget became a cornerstone of their journey. The budget forced them to make tough decisions, cutting back on unnecessary spending to align their lives with their financial goals. One of the most significant turning points was the decision to have their sizeable credit card debts taken over by CCC – a decision that facilitated their path to financial redemption.

As their journey progressed, Jim and Brenda faced numerous challenges. They had to communicate, cooperate, and compromise to ensure their finances were under control. This collaborative effort, while not without its difficulties, became the bedrock of their transformation.

Through ups and downs, moments of clarity and bouts of uncertainty, Jim and Brenda Martin weathered the storm. Their commitment to change, their dedication to following the lessons of the course, and their willingness to face their financial past with honesty and intentionality propelled them forward. Over time, they saw their debts shrink, their savings grow, and their perspective on money transform.

Their story serves as a reminder that financial freedom isn’t just about numbers; it’s about the transformation of beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. With each step they took, Jim and Brenda Martin moved closer to the life they had dreamed of – a life defined by financial wisdom, responsibility, and the promise of a debt-free future.

Joe Bunker – Peace in Loss

Joe Bunker shares his experience of God's peace through the tragic loss of his 28 year old son.

When I Realized I’m Just A Manager, It Changed Everything!

Jacquie Jones shares her powerful testimony of financial breakthrough.

Her story is an incredible example of how one bit of information - "God owns it all" - can completely transform a life. We praise God for her journey!

Indonesia – Landfill Community – May 2019

Asheville, NC Radio Event – April 2019

Equipping Leaders In Texas

At the Crown Gathering in October 2018, David and Marilyn Butler felt called by God to establish the first Crown Stewardship Center™ in the USA, at Faith Bible Church in The Woodlands. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, they developed a proposal and worked with Pastor’s and Staff at FBC and the Crown staff and volunteers around the world during the past year to develop the concept of the Crown Stewardship Center, USA. Crown wants to provide churches with more than just Bible studies. We want to teach redemptive stewardship to church pastors and lay-leaders by equipping them to teach biblical principles of redemptive stewardship and unite believers to accelerate their impact for Christ through self-sustaining centers to perpetuate the teaching of redemptive stewardship for generations to come.

Training Pastors in Tanzania

What you can’t tell from this photo is the resounding noise filling the room. Laughter, hands slamming down on tables, and feet rushing across the room are the melody behind these mens’ smiles. Meet three pastors from the Anglican Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro who have come together in Arusha, Tanzania to learn how they deepen their own understanding of stewardship, and how to raise up faithful stewards in their congregations. This scene is from the middle of a raucous Money Map game, where the pastors learn hands-on about budgeting. Crown partners have used this game to teach hundreds of people how to budget with a biblical mindset. Some groups have played for over eight hours! This game, which originated in Africa, is being spread to other Crown partners and is being developed to minister to kinesthetic learners around the world.