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The Impact of the African Money Map Training in Zimbabwe

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The Foundations for Farming Zimbabwe team recently share with us an exciting update regarding the positive impact their Money Map trainings have had on the lives of 106 farmers in Murehwa. Building on their previous Pfumvudza trainings, this program aims to elevate farmers’ skills beyond fundamental agricultural practices.

During the sessions, several challenges were highlighted, including unpaid debts, uncontrolled spending, and poor communication within families on financial matters. However, with the introduction of the African Money Map program, farmers have been able to identify and address these challenges head-on. One of the key topics covered in the training was the concept of work. Many farmers had previously viewed work as a punishment, a sentiment that often hindered their productivity and joy. This session, drawing on the wisdom of Colossians 3:23 (“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters“), shifted their mindset.

Farmers were encouraged to view their work as a calling, a means to not only provide for their families but also to experience God’s blessings and fulfillment. The positive impact of this spiritual element has been evident. Farmers have expressed feeling a newfound sense of purpose and joy in their work. This positive attitude towards their daily tasks is already leading to increased productivity and motivation. “The work session resonated with me,” shared one farmer. “I used to dread going out to the fields, but now I see it as an opportunity to serve God and provide for my family.”

According to Darryl Edwards from Foundations for Farming Zimbabwe, the training has already covered five key topics, with the final sessions scheduled for later this year. “The progress these farmers are making has been encouraging,” Darryl said, “and we are confident that by the end of the training program, their lives will be transformed both spiritually and financially.”

Join us in praying for The Foundations for Farming Zimbabwe team, and that God will continue encouraging these farmers on their journey towards financial stability and a deeper understanding of their work’s significance.

Journey to Financial Stability in the Philippines


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Ruth, a leader among Philippine Adventist Medical Aviation Services (PAMAS) workers and their wives, completed FARM STEW training and introduced the Crown Financial Money Map to her community. By studying the Money Map together weekly, five workers’ wives learned valuable lessons about budgeting, saving, and debt management. Through engaging sessions, they created budgets, identified spending habits, and developed plans to pay off debts. By Destination 7, three families started saving regularly, and one family became debt-free, with others well on their way to financial stability. Ruth praises the Money Map as a powerful tool for financial education, empowering even the poorest families to become good stewards of their resources. Thanks to these timeless biblical stewardship principles, these families in the Philippines are now on a path to long-term financial stability and empowerment!

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Partner of the Month: Atanas Mzee

Atanas Mzee, Crown’s Partner of the Month, recently shared some exciting developments at Buckner Kenya that we’re delighted to highlight. Buckner’s Community Schools, spread across Western Kenya and Nairobi, continue to provide exceptional residential care and holistic support to children in need. In addition, they have clinics and offer Kinship programs for children, foster programs, and adoption services.

Buckner Kenya has recently launched a dynamic family coaching program through their Family Hope Centers at their five locations. This initiative is designed to empower families with essential skills in parenting, financial management, economic empowerment, and food security. Buckner Kenya is also offering computer training and practical technical skills like dressmaking, ensuring that families are well-equipped for a brighter future.

In 2023, Buckner Kenya became part of Crown’s family; the collaboration began with a visit to Foundations for Farming in Zimbabwe in 2022, where Atanas and the Buckner team participated in an inspiring week-long training. It was there that they were introduced to Crown Money Map, which has since become an integral part of their program offerings. Watch this brief video to hear more about Buckner Kenya’s excitement about the positive changes this partnership brings, and their commitment to continuing their mission of making a lasting impact in their communities!

Empowering Change in Guatemala through Financial and Leadership Training

It fills us with joy to hear what the Guatemala team has done in the second quarter of the year, having an impact in different contexts. Recently an important training in “Financial Education” was held, which consisted of each participant achieving financial stability, breaking the cycle of scarcity, and giving way to the beginning of abundance. Forty-eight people participated through Zoom.

Through the “Crown in the Schools” program, financial topics were taught to teachers, who are responsible for educating children in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. Besides this, they have been working with the school for parents where they are taught financial principles. 275 people have been reached thanks to these activities!In addition to this, with its “Crown in Business” program, the Guatemala team taught a diploma course in which 120 people participated virtually for 7 weeks. The purpose behind this was to instruct business personnel in strategies to improve their financial emotional intelligence and, as a consequence, improve their financial status. In this activity they worked with a bank in the network, motivating them to work and apply the tools learned together with their families so that everyone can be part of the changes and improvements.

In the second week of May, 13 people graduated from the Financial Concepts Training in the city of Cayalá. A symbolic act took place, recognizing the effort of the participants as well as the power of God working miracles in their finances. We were encouraged to hear testimonies from the participants that day of debts paid off by using the strategies learned and seeing God intervene in support of their good decisions.

At the end of May in Antigua, Guatemala a Leadership Summit was held in collaboration with Thriveworks. It consisted of a time to explore personalities and types of leadership, with the support of leaders who led the participants to learn about God’s design for their lives. In total, 50 people participated in this activity.

And it is with great joy that we share with you that in the first week of June a Foundations For Farming training was held in cooperation with our partner “Potter’s House”. The training was given by Johann Van der Hamn, founder of the stewardship center in Malawi, where we had the privilege of having 2 people from Peru and 14 from Guatemala, all were blessed and challenged with this training.

Partner of the Month: John & Mary Beth Flippen

Meet John and Mary Beth Flippen, Crown’s Partners of the Month, currently serving at the Crown Stewardship Center in Malawi. Recently, they shared these compelling stories from their work during a Testimony Day, where local trainees recounted life-changing experiences like restored marriages and improved agricultural yields through Crown’s biblical stewardship teachings. Their innovative approach to storytelling has not only spread these principles effectively across communities but has also embedded Crown’s impact deeply into local cultures. We know you will be inspired by their journey from California mission trips to becoming integral figures in discipleship and sustainable development in Africa, emphasizing the transformative power of small steps toward lasting change.

You can read additional updates from the Flippens in this recent update or this update from last summer here.

Resilience and Hope: Fredrick Phiri’s Journey Amid Zimbabwe’s Drought


We share this recent update from our partner, Fredrick Phiri, in Zimbabwe.  He attended one of our first “I Was Hungry” classes in Zimbabwe and he is one of our most active African Money Map trainers. (Fredrick actually learned English by reading the African Money Map!)

Img 20240610 Wa0007Recently Frederick faced significant challenges when he lost all his crops to the current drought. With his oldest son moving in after his grandmother’s passing and the addition of a newborn baby, the pressure mounted. He expressed his fear of not being able to feed his five children or afford their schooling. Fredrick had no livestock and a shallow well without power for the pump or a hose.

A partner in Zambia suggested that Fredrick start by planting a small garden. Fredrick acted immediately, and with the solar panels and hose donated by friends of Crown, he started his garden. Shortly after, a pastor visiting his town needed an interpreter, and Fredrick volunteered. The pastor’s gratitude came in the form of money, which Fredrick used to buy five chickens. Despite the worsening drought, the vegetable garden and chicken eggs have become their main food source. Fredrick continues to work hard, hoping for rain and asking for prayers for provision for his family and many others in Africa facing similar hardships. The photos below show the garden’s initial success and its current struggle, alongside a picture of Fredrick’s healthy baby, Mufaro.

Crown could not accomplish our mission of spreading biblical stewardship principles around the world without the efforts of people like Fredrick. Join us in continuing to pray for Fredrick and his family and that God provides strength in his continued ministry efforts.

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Rejoicing in God’s Achievements Throughout Latin America

So many exciting developments are unfolding across Latin America, and we are thrilled to share these encouraging updates and photos with you. From impactful financial training programs to entrepreneurial education and leadership development, the region is buzzing with positive change and growth.

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The Centro Cristiano de Liderazgo Siglo XXI Cenfol La América church in Medellín, Colombia, is thrilled to announce the graduation of 20 individuals who successfully completed a 12-week personal finances study. This achievement is mirrored by the Centro Cristiano La Gran Comisión church, also in Medellín, where 38 people graduated from the same small group study. We pray that these biblical financial principles will continue to spread throughout the region as the graduates train others in these essential skills.

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In May, we launched the second cohort of the Crown Español Entrepreneurship School, “Crown Emprendedor,” led by Gonzalo Aranda. This cohort includes 13 entrepreneurs with seed-stage businesses from Costa Rica, the United States, Colombia, and Venezuela. Throughout the program, participants have been learning key business concepts related to sales, human resources, management, and leadership. We pray that this knowledge will significantly impact their businesses and communities.

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Additionally, we recently received reports of 98 leaders being trained last month by our dedicated team of volunteers in Panama. This training took place both in person, at various churches located in Panama City and Cáceres, Arraiján, and via Zoom. We praise God for the faithfulness of these volunteers and their commitment to leadership development.

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Last month marked the launch of the Emanuel Stewardship Unit at the Emanuel Foundation in Bolivia. Seven women graduated and received their certificates after completing a seven-month training program called “Stewardship of the Land,” provided by our partners at Fundación Apoyo Bolivia.

Join us in praising God for the incredible work He is doing throughout Latin America. We ask for your continued prayers for the dedicated leaders within these communities as they inspire and guide others towards growth and raising up more faithful stewards.

Global Online Training Initiative

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Crown is thrilled to announce the ongoing success of our online training sessions, designed to enhance the expertise of our partners and foster global networking opportunities. Our latest series, “Bible on Money,” launched on May 7th, led by Curtis Anderson, Senior Director of US Urban Development. This series comprises five engaging Zoom sessions, and the curriculum offers an insightful exploration of biblical teachings on financial stewardship, focusing on the relationship between money, our hearts, and possessions.

The response to this initiative has been overwhelmingly positive, with more than 20 participants from diverse backgrounds, representing 12 different countries including Burkina Faso, DRC, Haiti, Egypt, Mongolia, Namibia, Nigeria, Romania, Thailand, Turkey, Zambia, and the US. This cross-cultural participation enriches the learning experience, providing a unique platform for dialogue and understanding.

Feedback from attendees has been encouraging. One participant expressed his appreciation, stating, “Thank you so much again for this wonderful initiative. I will keep the recordings and will use them to enrich our presentations as it comes along.” The participant also highlighted the relevance of discussions on honesty and integrity, emphasizing the transformative impact of such teachings.

This series not only aims to educate but also to inspire action and reflection among our partners, ensuring they are well-equipped to apply these teachings in their respective contexts. We are proud to be a part of this journey and are committed to continuing our efforts in providing valuable learning experiences that resonate across borders.

Partner of the Month: MELTI

This month’s Partner of the Month is Dr. Wahid Wahba, our partner from Egypt.  He founded MELTI (Middle East Leadership Training Institute) in 2000 and in 2019 he established 4G3 (For the Glory Of God)  to support displaced and persecuted Christians in the Middle East and around the world. MELTI  focuses on empowering Christians to stand firm in their faith through strong biblical teachings and promoting financial transparency, contrasting with traditional practices in many Islamic communities where finances are typically male-controlled.

Since partnering with Crown in 2007, Dr. Wahid’s team has translated and distributed financial management materials across the region, reaching over 800,000 people. Their annual conference in Istanbul was notably impactful, introducing Crown’s financial teachings to attendees from 15 countries, with significant spiritual engagement among the youth. This initiative has continued to expand, highlighting the transformative combination of financial education and spiritual guidance.

Training Leaders in Brazil

In March of 2024, Crown staff visited the beautiful country of Brazil to speak at a conference with Crown Partners and leaders. For over two decades, we’ve empowered leaders across the nation, equipping them with materials to ignite change within their communities. With more than 20,000 active leaders leading small groups in churches nationwide, our collaboration has flourished, spreading God’s stewardship principles far and wide.

In this video, you will see highlights and testimonials from a few of the many Crown leaders in Brazil. As one Crown leader stated, “Being a Crown leader in fact, is a responsibility to the kingdom of God, because we have seen in our classes and also in our own lives that when people understand this principle, they serve the Lord more.”

Our alliance has amplified our reach, extending our impact beyond what we could have imagined. Together, we’ve touched millions of lives in Brazil, empowering individuals with the tools to thrive spiritually and financially. Join us in praising God for the incredible transformation we are seeing in Brazil.