At Crown, we advance God's Principles of Stewardship and Life.
Our vision is to see God’s people all over the world committed to managing all that they have for His glory
so that lives are transformed, economies flourish, and the Gospel is spread to all nations.
The world is not in danger of running out of resources; but we do believe the world is in danger of running out of faithful stewards. Jesus came to seek, restore and redeem a broken world. And, the practice of biblical stewardship is an essential part of that redemption. Because when we care for what God has given us in the way He intended, we and those around us are blessed. But those blessings exceed far beyond our personal finances. In fact, every major aspect of life is impacted by good and faithful stewardship.
We focus on six primary areas of Redemptive Stewardship™:

God calls us to be good managers of resources He has given us. Here, we learn how to responsibly multiply and manage our resources for His glory not our own.

In this Redemptive Stewardship™ path, we explore who we are in our vocation; its purpose and the search to fulfill God’s will for our lives in whatever we set our hands to do.

For entrepreneurs, we dive deep into scripture to discover how to operate a business successfully and one that reflects our walk with Christ.

We explore what it means to advance the gospel of Christ, our biblical responsibility to do so in order to fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.

We address the biblical standard of what it means to leave an inheritance for your children and for generations to come as well as what it means to be stewards of that inheritance.

The world and its natural resources have been given to man to govern. We believe Christians should be leading the way in responsible stewardship over the environment.
Imagine living in a world that is governed by Redemptive Stewardship™ at every level.
Where God’s people are committed to managing all that they have for His glory. And where God’s blessings are as abundant as the joy that radiates from His people. From now on, Crown will be teaching on the following six areas of stewardship to make this a reality. In the days ahead we will be creating curriculum on six primary areas of stewardship. They are listed below.
We believe God is calling us to create redemptive stories all over the world by establishing more Crown Stewardship Centers. We envision Crown Stewardship Centers in every country of the world committed to teaching and leading others in God’s biblical stewardship principles. Crown Stewardship Centers will significantly multiply our outreach and allow us to have an even greater global impact on families and communities.
Crown will continue to build relationships with:
Alliance Partners
Radio Stations
We will equip and train their respective leadership, so they may, in turn, enable their staff and volunteers to operate their Crown Stewardship Center™. Additionally, we will spread redemptive stewardship principles through our online portal.

“Crown Stewardship
Centers will significantly
multiply our outreach.”
Our mission is to advance God’s Principles of Stewardship and Life. These principles are wholly based in the Bible. They serve as the perfect instructions to thrive, both here on Earth and eternally. This wisdom is so life changing that every person needs to learn these principles. We will spread them through unique experiences and events, collaborative partnerships and relevant, supportive content. When we do that, for both rich and poor, those who take them up will discover a life that allows them to serve God more fully. They will live a life that results in God saying to them, “well done good and faithful servant.” Over the next five years, we hope to see 50 million lives impacted through Crown Stewardship Centers™ on every continent in the world. These centers focus on training which lifts up their students, transforming them into faithful stewards.
Crown will continue establishing centers in some of the poorest regions of the world. We will launch a new initiative to establish Crown Stewardship Centers in 10 landfill communities.
Wherever it is darkest, Crown Stewardship Centers will shine a beacon of hope. We plan to launch centers in countries where Christianity struggles to take hold. And in Malawi, the poorest country on Earth, we dream of strategically launching four centers. As God provides, Crown will establish self-sustaining centers to perpetuate the teaching of Redemptive Stewardship for generations to come.
Crown Online
Start an online course today by yourself or with a group and discover how God's principles of stewardship and life will transform your life. All courses are available for a donation of any amount, so as you're learning you are also lifting up someone in need.
Help Us Bring God’s Redemptive Stewardship™ Story to the World
He restores what is broken…broken hearts, broken souls, broken lives, homes, finances, companies, nations. His desire for all of us is to thrive and to live abundant lives in Him, through Him and for Him. God’s word contains all the wisdom we need to teach others to look beyond the temporal and live for the eternal reward of being found faithful. Scripture is clear. We have been called to discipleship and obedience as God’s stewards…and we will be held accountable.
Matthew 25 says: “we will either hear Him say, ‘well done, good and faithful servant.’” Or “You wicked and slothful servant” . . . the contrast is alarming.
“When we care for what God has given us in the way He intended, we and those around us are blessed.”
Chuck Bentley
CEO, Crown Financial Ministries
Forging new paths and reaching for even greater impact. And, it is the dedication and faithfulness of our partners who also want the world to know of God’s truth and to benefit from knowing and applying biblical stewardship principles that allows us to dream even bigger. To do more. To respond to the Lord and say, “Yes.” Will you join us on this journey to bring God’s truth to the broken? If your passion is to see lives transformed through the teaching of biblical stewardship, then we invite you to join us. Help us reach every life. Every nation through Christ.
If your passion is to see lives transformed through the teaching of biblical stewardship, then we invite you to join us.
Thank you, for your prayerful consideration.