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1 Fun Way to Boost Your Savings

by Chuck Bentley January 24, 2017

People around the world desire to save money for a variety of things like a car, college, wedding, house, vacation, adoption, or to pay off debt.

Marie Franklin decided to get serious about saving. Taking the theory of paying herself first she saved every $5 bill that she encountered. And, over a period of 12 years, she saved $36,000…all in $5 bills.

In an article from she says, “The number one reason most people don’t save is that they don’t have a savings plan.” She theorized that by spending cash she could collect every $5 bill that she would never see if using a debit or credit card.

The unique thing about this is she began saving while she and her husband were financially strapped with two daughters attending private colleges. Once she saw the bills begin to accumulate, she became so motivated, that her savings method became a game, a habit to see how fast she could grow her money.

Most people assume they can only save when there is an excess of funds. But, far too often, there is excess but it is squandered by the use of credit cards. What we want exceeds what we truly need. And, there’s the problem.

We must learn to want to live in God’s economy, not the world’s. We must reject what the world says we need. Living in such a way is a testimony to those around us and a classroom for our children.

It is no easy task in our world today. But, Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me”. Pray, for strength in your weakness and temptations.

And, realize that in one year, 365 days, you could save $1,825 in fives!

Crown has partnered with Christian Credit Counselors, a highly reputable firm, to help you get out of the credit card trap you may be caught in. These three steps are possibly your best moves to escape living on the financial ledge this year. Learn more about our partner Christian Credit Counselors.

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