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2 Tips if You Are Living on a Financial Cliff
by Chuck Bentley | September 29, 2015
I once heard poverty described as living on the edge of a financial cliff, not knowing from day to...
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Shopping + Emotions
by Chuck Bentley | September 3, 2015
According to Heather Gilmore, a writer for The Dollar Stretcher, “Emotions can lead to the desire to shop or,...
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Should You Buy a Car with 0% Interest Financing?
by Chuck Bentley | September 1, 2015
“When a car dealer offers to loan you the money to buy a car at zero percent interest, it...
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Are you financially secure?
by Chuck Bentley | August 12, 2015
By Chuck Bentley’s annual Financial Security Index Survey reported that Americans’ financial security slipped in July, with the...
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What does it cost to rent a chicken?
by Chuck Bentley | August 6, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Practicing good stewardship of the land and eating healthy food can present a number of challenges,...
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Ever had your power turned off?
by Chuck Bentley | July 30, 2015
By Chuck Bentley One evening, a pastor friend of mine arrived at his house about 30 minutes before members...
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Would you take out a 30-year mortgage to buy a pizza?
by Chuck Bentley | July 29, 2015
By Chuck Bentley While it sounds ridiculous, you may actually be taking out a mortgage when you use your...
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Concerns About the American Economy
by Chuck Bentley | July 22, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Political pollster, Ed Goeas, recently said, “Concern over the economy is the highest I’ve ever seen,”...
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Are you losing sleep because of money?
by Chuck Bentley | July 13, 2015
By Chuck Bentley If you lie awake at night worrying about money, you’re not alone. According to a report...
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Faithfulness is a small thing; faithfulness in small things is a big thing.
by Chuck Bentley | July 7, 2015
By Chuck Bentley In Luke 16: 10 it says, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be...
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