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Some Biblical Wisdom on Lawsuits

by Chuck Bentley September 22, 2015

America is home to 80 percent of the lawyers in the world who handle 15 million civil lawsuits that are filed each year! Doctors now live as targets of endless lawsuits for malpractice, and frivolous suits are filed for outrageous claims.

A Florida minister and his wife sued a guide-dog school after a blind man being led by one of the dogs stepped on the woman’s toe in a mall. They sought $160,000 as compensation, but due to the national ridicule they received, the suit never made it to court. We have all heard of these ridiculous stories, but they never seem to end.

how to reverse the avalance of lawsuits

The Bible has a solution, which could change much of the out-of-control lawsuits we are experiencing.  First Corinthians 6:1 says, “Does any one of you, when he has a case against his neighbor, dare to go to law before the unrighteous?”

The Apostle Paul gave this advice over 2,000 years ago. He said it is better to be defrauded and lose everything you have than to take a fellow Christian to court.

Here is a better alternative that was often shared by our late co-founder, Larry Burkett:

First, God cannot bless us until we forgive the ones we feel like we have the right to sue. No matter what wrong they have done, we must forgive first and seek to see them restored as people.

Next, go to the guilty party and confront their wrong face to face. If they are Christians and do not repent, then you are to take them before the church to seek a resolution within the body of Christ.  With millions of believers in America, if we follow this pattern, the amount of lawsuits should drop considerably.

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