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Savings Day – Find a Bank for Savings Accounts
Is your savings account growing?  A savings account is essential for setting aside emergency funds. lists banks they recommend...
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Savings Day – HSA’s
  It’s Savings Monday! Do you have a health savings account? It’s possible you’re not maximizing the benefits! A...
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Savings Day – Dollar Diet and Rounding Up
It’s Build Your Savings Day! Use the “dollar diet” method of depositing money that you don’t spend each week....
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Savings Day – Where to Bank
Are you wondering where to open a savings account? Savings accounts are still a safe place to deposit savings...
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Savings Day – “No-Spend Month”
Trying to catch up on your savings?  A no-spend month can build your savings. Sound impossible? Nah, you get...
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Savings Tip – Wait 24 Hours
I have a great savings tip for you today. It’s one my wife actually holds me to! The tip...
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Having a Savings Week
How would you like to dedicate an entire week to saving? In light of current statistics, it may be...
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Savings Day – Patience
Trying to improve your savings this year? It’s been said that “Money grows on the tree of patience.” Patience...
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Savings Day – Patience
Trying to improve your savings this year? It’s been said that “Money grows on the tree of patience.” Patience...
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Savings Day – Saving for the Unexpected
It’s Build Your Savings Day! Do you like surprises? Or, maybe should I say, are you ready for them?...
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