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Thank you for registering!

Next Step: Book your travel accommodations. Review the hotel details below and then use this link to take advantage of our negotiated group rate.

You should receive an email shortly confirming your registration. We will continue to communicate with you via email for additional updates regarding the event. 

If you do not receive an email confirmation, please contact Customer Care at 800-722-1976 or 

Our negotiated rate of $122 per night + tax is based on double beds. Contact the hotel at 865-522-2600 for additional room options.

Mark your calendar! 
Detailed itinerary coming soon.

*Hotel Reservations Details: 

Once you click the link above:

  • Choose your arrival and departure dates to accurately reflect your stay. The GROUP CODE field will automatically populate when your arrival and departure dates are put in. 
  • Click SEARCH.
  • The basic room type, rooms with two queen beds will be the room type associated with the block.
  • After September 6, 2022, you would need to contact the hotel directly, to make a reservation into the block.
  • Note: If your stay extends outside of the Vision Summit dates, you’ll need to contact the hotel to make your reservation. The hotel reservation manager, Jamie Julius, is available Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm EST, at 865-522-2600.
  • You can request other room types, but you will need to contact the hotel for a room with one queen bed and a sofa-sleeper (Add $10), or a room with one king bed (Add $15).
  • Parking charge is $10 per day for self-parking.


We can't wait to see you!
