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Savings Goal Calculator

Crown's Savings Goal Calculator makes it easy to run various savings scenarios to determine how much you need to save to reach your final savings amount.

Just enter your monthly (periodic) savings amount, the number of months you plan on contributing, and the rate of interest you expect to earn.

Be sure to click the Savings Schedule and Charts button after you click Calc to get even more insights into your future savings performance!

Savings Calculator

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Retirement Savings Calculator

Use this calculator to run retirement scenarios and determine how much you would need to invest in order to withdraw a specified amount each month.

One feature that makes this calculator very helpful is the ability to enter your current age and anticipated retirement age.

Be sure to click the Savings Schedule and Chart buttons to get a detailed analysis of your Retirement Savings Calculator results! 

Retirement Savings Calculator

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Mortgage Prepayment Calculator

This simple calculator will show you how making extra mortgage payments will affect the amount you’ll pay and the duration of your mortgage term.


Monthly Deposit Savings Calculator

This calculator will help you to determine the future value of a monthly investment at various compounding intervals.

To calculate the future value of a monthly investment, enter the beginning balance, the monthly dollar amount you plan to deposit, the interest rate you expect to earn, and the number of years you expect to continue making monthly deposits, then click the “Compute” button.


Automobile Loan Payment Calculator

The automobile and car loan payment calculator will compute your monthly car payment.  If you don't know all of the inputs, or a field doesn't apply to you, just leave it blank.

What's great about this calculator is that it even creates an amortization schedule so that you can see the breakdown of each monthly payment!

Mortgage Term Comparison Calculator

This calculator that will help you to compare monthly payments and interest costs of home mortgages at various loan term lengths.


Mortgage Amortization Calculator

This calculator will compute a mortgage monthly payment amount based on the principal amount borrowed, the length of the loan, and the annual interest rate. This calculator will also compute your total mortgage payment which will include the property taxes, property insurance and PMI payments (if your loan requires Private Mortgage Insurance).

It will also create an amortization schedule which shows you exactly how much interest you will pay over the life of the loan.  The amortization schedule breaks down each payment to show you how much is going towards interest, taxes, insurance, and paying down your principal balance.

One interesting thing you'll notice is how the portion of each payment dedicated to interest goes down over the course of the loan, and the principal portion of the payment goes up.​​​​

Mortgage Refinancing Calculator

Our Mortgage Refinancing Calculator will help you determine if you can save money by refinancing to a lower rate.

This Mortgage Refinancing Calculator doesn't include things like property taxes or home insurance since these costs should not change based on the loan type.

Rent vs. Buy Calculator

This calculator will help you to compare the costs of renting to the costs of buying a home. Since there are all kinds of forces at work behind the scenes (interest, property taxes, tax savings, appreciation, opportunity costs, closing costs, selling costs, etc.), comparing the cost of renting to the cost of buying is a lot more complicated than just comparing the monthly mortgage payment to the monthly rent payment. This calculator attempts to forecast the net effects of all the hidden forces so you can make an informed decision.

Help & Instructions will appear in cells to the right of fields once you click in or tab into the fields.


Life Insurance Need Calculator

Use this calculator to help you decide how much life insurance you need if your survivors invest the life insurance benefits they receive.

Life Insurance Calculator - Inflation Fix

Spouse work


Children funding
