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Seven Gray Swans

Thank you for opting for the e-book version of Chuck Bentley's new book, Seven Gray Swans: Trends That Threaten Our Financial Future. To download your e-book, please select the appropriate file for your e-reader below.

Once you have downloaded your file, if you need additional help connecting it with your device or app, follow the appropriate instructions below.

Instructions for loading to your e-reader

For Kindle App on iPhone

  • Download the Kindle file (above) from your phone.
  •  You should be prompted to "Open in Kindle"
  • Voila! Enjoy your e-book

For Kindle App on Android

  • Download the Kindle file (above) from your phone.
  • Email the file to your individual Kindle email address which can be found in the settings of your app. You must ensure that the email address you send the file from is an approved safe sender to your device. You can do this under the "Personal Document Settings" section on the "Manage My Content and Devices Page" in Amazon.
  • In your app, Sync your content
  • Voila! Enjoy your e-book!

For Older Kindles

  • Download the Kindle file (above) from your computer.
  • Email the file to your individual Kindle email address which can be found in the settings of your app. You must ensure that the email address you send the file from is an approved safe sender to your device. You can do this on the "Manage My Content and Devices Page" in Amazon
  • On your device, Sync your content
  • Voila! Enjoy your e-book!

For Other e-readers

  • Download the iBooks/Nook/etc. file (above) from your computer or phone.
  • Open the e-reader app (such as iBooks) on your device.
  • On your device, Sync your content
  • Voila! Enjoy your e-book!

It might be more helpful to visit your e-reader's website for more specific step-by-step instructions.