Wise Use of Available Cash
Is cash burning a hole in your pocket?
Stimulus checks and tax refunds created a spending surge, but if you’re holding out, steward those dollars wisely. Are you carrying credit card debt? Pay it down. Any pay-day loans? Eliminate them ASAP. Don’t Have an emergency fund? Start one today! Car dealerships will try to get you to buy a new car. You may have saved enough for a sizeable down payment, but t the moment you drive that new car off the lot it will be worth less than what you paid. Is that the best use of the cash? Now if you have an existing car loan, you could pay down the balance and carry less debt. This is especially helpful if you carry a high-interest rate. Perhaps you can refinance your current loan at a better rate. Maybe it really is time to replace your car. Determine its value by checking around online and seek a reliable replacement vehicle. This takes time, but patience pays off. A trustworthy dealership can help you find what you need. I have purchased two used Toyotas at dealerships. They’ve been excellent cars for our family. Perhaps your current vehicle simply needs some repairs or maintenance. This can sustain the life of your car while you save to purchase a newer model. Replacing tires, a cracked windshield, dents, or scratches will give you the motivation to continue driving it a little longer. Get it detailed or do it yourself. You’ll like it even more. A car is a major purchase. Pray, be patient, and be grateful for all your options, but never buy more car than you can really afford.
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