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Why So Many Job Openings?

Ever seen so many job openings or people who aren’t working? 

Workers quit their jobs last year for numerous reasons. Covid arrived after a long stock market expansion. 4% left their jobs because of money made in crypto investments. When housing prices soared, people refinanced at lower rates. This provided cash or lower payments. With lockdowns, spending decreased, savings increased, and debt was paid down. This created financial margin for many workers to quit before finding another job. Some took early retirement. Mothers who quit relied on working spouses, collected unemployment, or freelanced. Now, people are reluctant to return to work. Millions are “caring for relatives, reassessing their careers or shifting their work-life priorities.” They feel more needed at home than at work.

Employers need workers and are raising wages to attract them, but workers are also wanting flexible work arrangements and job security. Work was created by God for our good. When done as an offering to God, work becomes worship. We can be thankful for the opportunity we have to bring Him glory. Remember: Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” (Colossians 3:23-24)

If you’re between jobs, I invite you to discover our podcasts! The Crown Stewardship Podcasts focus on helping you find freedom in your finances and career. You can subscribe on Spotify and iTunes, or listen at