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What Your Debt is Really Costing You

Are you trying to pay off your debt? It can feel so massive and overwhelming, but just remember, you have to do it one bite at a time.

Hi, this is Chuck Bentley with My Money Life from Crown.

Paying off debt as quickly as possible is critically important to our journeys as faithful stewards. But, starting the process can be very challenging. Proverbs tell us that when we’re in debt, we’re slaves to our creditors. God wants us to live in freedom, so He can use us more fully for His Kingdom.

Debt costs us more than just interest payments. The average household now has revolving credit card debt of over $6,000. But the worry about paying it off, making ends meet, and the shame from hiding it can make you lose sleep. Debt can cause anxiety, harm health, stifle creativity, and damage relationships. It can eventually consume every thought, contributing to mental, physical, and emotional fatigue and negatively impact your job performance.

But you can live in freedom!!

Paul said, You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men.

With some self-control and planning you can experience freedom. Set a goal, recruit an accountability partner, and make a budget!

Be disciplined to cut whatever costs you can – quit eating out and plan your meals at home instead. Make your coffee at home or simply drink water. Avoid the movie theater and costly forms of entertainment. Use less heating and cooling to reduce your utility bills. Carpool, walk, ride a bus or bike to work.

Temporarily sacrificing today will enable you to eliminate debt, get ahead and establish a frugal lifestyle that will impact you for a lifetime!


And to get help paying off your overwhelming credit card debt, get in touch with Christian Credit Counselors. They’ve been our trusted partners for years and can help you today! Call 800-722-1976 or go online to