What Was Your Worst Job?
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? Mine was dumpster diving……. But, in some ways, it was the best job I could have ever had.
Yes! Back in my college days, I took a job digging through trash for items my boss could use to fund his mission work. It was not fun, to say the least. In fact, it was downright disgusting at times. But, it taught me the value of a good job – and God used it to provide for all my needs while improving my work ethic.
If you aren’t crazy about your job right now, ask God to give you the right heart towards it, one of humility and gratitude.
In the meantime, learn how you can use your unique skills and gifts to build a career that’s right for you.
My friend Bob Dickie, author of Love Your Work says:
“If you want to be happy and fulfilled with your career, it’s not about doing what everyone else is doing or what someone told you you had to do in order to be “successful”. It’s about understanding how you can use your unique skills and gifts… to build a career that feels right for you.
I’ve tried to instill this same vision in my boys as they’ve grown into men and started careers.
It is essential to discover and understand how God made you. As Paul told the Ephesians, “… we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Crown’s Career Direct assessment helps you discover how God made you! I don’t think I was made to be a dumpster diver, but that experience taught me a lot about what I AM made to do. Career Direct can help you know if now is the right time to make a career change, or what you’re best suited to do. You can learn more and get started at crown.org/career