What It Means To Be Blessed
Just because someone has a lot of money, doesn’t mean they’re more blessed.
It’s common for people to associate God’s blessings with material wealth, as in the lives of Abraham, David, and Solomon. Yes – they were very wealthy men, but blessings are much more than just money!
In the New Testament, blessing means being fully satisfied in God no matter whether rich or poor. Often, blessings are associated with pain and suffering. God promises to work all things together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Sometimes, that involves removing the idols in our lives that keep us from fully depending on Him. He blesses us in ways that draw us closer to Himself and the reality of our desperate need for Him. This certainly isn’t the world’s definition of being blessed!
The reason God often supplies a surplus of wealth to some Christians is so they can provide for the needs of others. True wealth comes with the responsibility of giving. Their duties in stewarding what God provides are heavy because of the lures of the world and the temptation to compromise. It demands recognition of God’s ownership, the need to cap lifestyles and the commitment to use the money for Kingdom purposes.
Paul said, You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. (2 Corinthians 9:11)
Being rich or poor is a matter of God’s sovereignty. He will give us only what we’re capable of handling. And, both require wise stewardship of what He gives and learning to be content in whatever situation we find ourselves.
So, without considering your income, your wealth or looking at your bank account, can you say with me, “I am Blessed!”
If you need more help or encouragement with your finances, call the Crown Helpline at 800-722-1976 or go online to crown.org