Want to Be Financially Free?
Do you long to be financially free?
Financial freedom requires two character qualities. The first is learning to be faithful and the other is to be disciplined. Luke 16:10-11 teaches that God expects us to be faithful in small matters if we’re to be trusted with bigger matters. In other words, trust or trustworthiness is the currency that God deals in. He wants our hearts to be guided by integrity, honesty and absolute dependability. If you’re not faithful in the smallest of your financial affairs, you’ll remain in financial bondage. We’re all supposed to be disciplined in our lifestyle. Just as the body requires disciplined exercise and eating to be healthy, so it is with our finances. Self-control must guide our work habits and our spending habits. Combine a desire to be faithful with a disciplined approach to finances and you’re on the road to freedom.
Live in such a way that money is not a burden, an obstacle or an idol. In other words, when managing money according to God’s principles, your thoughts will be on Him and not on making it to the end of the month. Now this is true financial freedom, and if you’ve never turned to God and asked Him for help in being faithful and disciplined, why not now? Ask Him for wisdom to manage his resources wisely – for help in the big and small areas of your finances. Seek the counsel of Godly men and women and ask them to hold you accountable. Financial freedom can be yours and it’s beautiful!
Inflation has increased costs and slowed donations for ministries! This month is a great time to support the work of this radio station and Crown. Please consider giving generously to this station. Also, you can give to support the global outreach of Crown at crown.org.