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Tips For Impulsive And Compulsive Shoppers

Impulsive spending impacts budgets, but compulsive spending destroys them!

Some people struggle with impulsive or compulsive shopping. Or they’re married to one who does. These people buy what they want without considering the consequences. They negatively impact others, and the financial stress can be terrible. Impulse buying is related to anxiety and unhappiness. Those who struggle with their self-image desire acceptance, respect, or attention. They want what others have whether they can afford it or not. They shop to boost their mood. Compulsive spending is an uncontrollable desire to shop. It results in spending large amounts of time and money. Mental Health America gives 4 stages of compulsive buying: anticipation, preparation, shopping, then spending.

Here are some tips that might help big spenders and their families: Don’t shop. Find a healthier activity to substitute for the rush. If you must, determine your needs, make a list, use cash, then leave immediately. Stop using credit cards and online shopping. Unsubscribe from store emails. Set some goals. Create a budget. Then honor the spending limits for expense categories. Learn to give first, pay your bills, and use automatic transfers to specific savings accounts. Discover what the Bible says about money and ask the Lord to help you. Commit to be honest in all transactions. Be transparent and seek accountability with your spouse or mentor. Learn to appreciate things money can’t buy.

In my new book, Seven Gray Swans, I describe potentially significant events that could happen. A gray swan is an obvious danger that we tend to ignore.  My goal is to show you how to prepare for and survive these economic threats. You can find it online at