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The Reward of Persistence


When was the last time you wanted something so bad that you were willing to work really hard for it?

In the book, Where the Red Fern Grows, a boy named Billy, wants a pair of dogs. They cost $50 – a lot of money for a 12-year old. So, “on the banks of the Illinois River,” he asked God to help him.

He found a can in the trash behind their barn and put 23 cents in it, the only money he had.

So Billy set to work, he caught fish and trapped minnows to sell to fishermen.He gathered and sold wild berries and vegetables in the summer, trapped and sold furs in the winter.

After two long years, Billy’s hard work paid off. He cried as he counted his money over and over. He finally had the $50 – enough to buy the dogs. He recalled the prayer of asking God for help and realized He had given him the heart, courage, and determination to work so hard for so long.

Are you struggling to save? Do you need a boost of courage and determination to keep going? Ask the Lord to help you.

Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Be strong and of good courage. Like Billy, may you understand the reward of determined persistence in your struggle to reach your goal.

To help you stay on the right track as you pursue financial freedom, Crown developed an online MoneyLife personal finance study. You can walk through the study at your own pace and learn what the Bible says about every aspect of your finances as you take practical steps to get them in order.