Testimony Tuesday – Becoming Good Stewards
Are you growing as God’s faithful steward?
I love to hear how God is using Crown to impact lives. An Australian donor recently wrote us saying, “God bless you always for never ever giving up in teaching us to be good stewards.” Our vision is to see God’s people all over the world committed to managing all that they have for His glory so that lives are transformed, economies flourish, and the Gospel is spread to all nations.
Now contrary to all the doomsayers: The world is not in danger of running out of resources, but we do believe the world is in danger of running out of faithful stewards. Jesus came to seek, restore, and redeem a broken world. The practice of biblical stewardship is an essential part of that redemption. When we care for what God’s given us in the way He intended, we and those around us are blessed, but those blessings extend far beyond our personal finances. In fact, every major aspect of life is impacted by good and faithful stewardship. God is the true and rightful owner of everything. Yet, He entrusts us with the privilege of wisely managing whatever He provides. It’s our responsibility to learn how to multiply and handle them for His glory – not our own.
We’re stewards of more than just money. We steward our health, our legacy, our work and businesses, the environment, and the gospel. Imagine being committed to manage all of that for God’s glory. What a difference we’d make in the world and in eternity. So can I challenge you to this effort?
If you want to become a better steward, our budget coaching program will put you on the road to financial freedom and faithful management of your resources. Go to crown.org and click the “Get Help Now” tab. You can start today at crown.org.