Summer Savings Tips
One summer, our boys played tennis at a club every morning, stayed for lunch, then went swimming with their friends. It was great! Until we got the bill…
Happy Independence Day by the way. Now we learned the hard way, that summer’s a great time to learn money-saving habits. It just took a little planning on our part, but we learned and you can too! First, limit how much you eat out. Carry snacks at all times. Put them in your car, your purse, or your backpack. My grandchildren know that my wife, Ann, always has food with her. She’ll break off bites of protein bars and feed them like little birds. It holds them over until we get home for a meal. Teach the children or grandchildren to cook. I’m not talking microwave meals but really cook from scratch together. They’ll love it!
Limit screen time, go outside, ride bikes, hike, work, and play. Plan park days, picnics, or potlucks with other families. Visit the library and museums, attend free events, journal, read, practice a musical instrument, and write missionaries. Shop yard sales, thrift shops, and end-of-season sales looking for things that you’ll need this fall. Make the most of each day you’re given. Children grow and time passes quickly. Make time to memorize scripture and learn hymns together. Those activities will have an eternal impact. You can even plan an end-of-summer dessert party where the children or grandchildren recite, sing and share what they did this summer! Just as ants “prepare their food in the summer,” (Proverbs 30:25) you can practice money-saving habits that will impact your family for eternity!
Now if you struggle paying the bills, get in touch with Christian Credit Counselors. They can create a debt management plan for you to get your bills paid off in less time. For more information call the Crown Helpline at 800-722-1976.