Stewardship of the Earth
We’ve been called to stewardship of the earth.
Christians should be the best stewards of the earth because we know the One who created it and all that is in it. God entrusted Adam to take dominion and care for creation. The command continues today and we must take our responsibility seriously. Caring for the planet ultimately reflects our love for the Creator and gratitude for all He made. “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.” (Collossians 1:16)You can make a difference in some very simple ways making environmentally-friendly purchases. It can seem expensive up front, but in the long run you can actually save money.
Reduce the number of disposables you buy, reuse what you have, and donate what you no longer use. Recycle. Carry shopping bags and reusable water bottles. Challenge your city, county, and state to prevent the use of disposable plastic bags. Make compost to nourish your soil, then grow what you can. Avoid the use of harmful pesticides. Know where to take hazardous waste and unused medications. When the earth suffers because of our apathy, greed, materialism, and selfishness, we sin against our Creator. Gratitude for our planet and the role He’s given us, coupled with an eternal perspective, brings an awareness and desire to care for creation. May our concern grant opportunities to share the gospel. Many love the earth but desperately need to know and love the One who made it.
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