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Stewarding Your Time


Stewarding your time is just as important as stewarding your money. And they usually go hand-in-hand!

Time is a gift of God! He entrusts 24 hours every day to each of us and gives us the freedom to decide how we are going to use them.  What we do with our time influences our earning potential, the amount of money we make, how we spend it, how we save, how we invest, and how we give. 

That also means that wasting time may equate to wasting money or earning potential. Be on your guard against procrastination and distractions! Sometimes poor time management can cost you more than overspending. Social media adds to this problem for two reasons – it’s a distraction for many people and also instills an attitude of comparison, which can cause some to overspend. Be aware of outside influences and how they affect your spending habits.

Often, the company you keep is a major influence on both the use of your time and the way you spend money. That’s why we are never to be yoked with the unbeliever. We simply don’t have the same priorities. While we may be friends with non-believers, be careful that their lifestyle is not the main source influencing  the financial choices you are making.  Do an evaluation of your friends, are they generous? are they volunteering time to serve others? are they helping you grow in your faith?

As followers of Christ, with the desire to hear “Well done”, we must ask the Lord “To teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” Guarding our hearts and minds has a significant bearing on how we spend our time and ultimately how we earn money.

If you want to learn more about what the Bible says about your money, download the Money Map. It’s a step-by-step guide that will help you stay focused on reaching biblical financial goals.