Phishing Red Flags
Are you familiar with phishing scams?
Phishing, spelled with a “ph” is a cybercrime in which scammers attempt to steal personal information by impersonating a trusted source. reports that billions of phishing links are shared annually. Victims end up with malware infections, stolen funds, or identity theft. Attacks often begin when scammers send malicious links or attachments via email, social media, or by text. Some pose as customer service or tech support and contact people by phone. According to TrendMicro, phishing attacks grew by 58% last year. It’s one of the fastest-growing cyber threats we face today. This year, the global financial impact is an estimated $3.5 billion. This includes direct losses and costs for remediation and recovery.
So here’s how to spot a phishing attack. Beware of emails with unbelievable deals or urgent language. Same with those containing spelling and grammatical errors. Institutions requesting account details are probably fake. Legitimate ones will never ask via email. Generic greetings like “Hello, Sir” or “Dear Account Holder” are from phishers who cast a wide net in an effort to catch as many gullible people as they can. Ignore and delete them immediately. Don’t click on any attachments! Also, emails from unknown senders should be deleted. Pray for discernment and watch carefully to protect yourself!
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