Need Hope?
Finances got you down? You need some Hope!
About this time of year, it’s easy to lose hope and get depressed over the state of your finances. Maybe you haven’t reached your goals or kept your New Year’s resolutions, but don’t give up. Becoming a steward takes practice. Lots of practice! A toddler learns to walk by taking one step at a time. They fall a lot, but they pick themselves up and start all over again. So, pick yourself up and try again. Find yourself an encouraging friend or support group who will hold you accountable and keep you motivated. Identify your spending patterns. Look back over your credit card and bank statements. When and where did you spend when you shouldn’t? Take note and avoid putting yourself in those situations again. Emotions, social media, and payday loans are red flags for those who struggle with self-control. Then, there’s the problem of divorce, inconsistent child support, and the crippling cycle of payday loans.
God knows your pain. Sometimes, it’s simply a matter of being underpaid. In this case, request a raise. Have tangible reasons why you deserve one. Proverbs 21:5 says: “Steady plodding brings prosperity; hasty speculation brings poverty.” So, step forward with patience knowing that consistent effort will pay off. It’s a promise from God. Cling to it. It will change your perspective and give you hope, and hope will give you peace that enables you to rest and abide in Christ.
And if credit card debt is causing anxiety, I recommend Christian Credit Counselors. They can create a debt management plan just for you. For more information call the Crown Helpline at 800-722-1976 or visit online at