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Merging Christmas Traditions

White twinkling lights, a fake, beautifully decorated Christmas tree, and handmade wrapping paper were the essentials for Andrea’s Christmas decor.

Her husband, Robert, on the other hand, liked to go all out with colored lights, a real Charlie Brown Christmas tree, and…he just used whatever shopping bag the gifts came in for wrapping paper.

So Andrea and Robert had some….conflict their first Christmas together!

Well, eventually, they were able to compromise on all the decor choices.

Do you and your spouse have different Christmas traditions?! Most couples do, and it can be both funny and stressful trying to merge our preferences early in marriage.

Well, just like we have different ideas on what Christmas should look like, most married couples have different ideas on what their finances should look like.  The key is to make a plan together that’s in line with Scripture. And we can help!

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