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Living in a Multi-Generational Home

Do you have a multi-generational home? It comes with its challenges, but also with blessings.

A third of young adults aged 18-24 still live at home according to the U.S. Census Bureau.  We still have two children at our home: one is 20 and the other is soon to be 18.

Living at home with your parents until you get married is more the norm in other cultures. But many young Americans are at home because they lack jobs, have debt, are saving for a down-payment on a house, going to college, or have other burdensome expenses.

Whatever the reason, we have learned that this is an opportunity to depend on the Lord. And a time to encourage spiritual and financial growth for the whole family. Here are my tips:

Don’t compare your home to others. The temptation will be to judge or covet. Simply accept where you are and trust God.

Use this time getting to better know your adult children and their friends. Pray for open hearts and humble attitudes. Learn and serve alongside each other, exercising the fruit of the Spirit.

Treat them with respect and ask them to share responsibilities. Encourage them to develop new skills, to help around the home, and to serve others.

Include them in family devotions, sharing prayer requests when possible. Help them develop social and leadership skills and to learn and practice Biblical financial principles.

Their fears and insecurities may be expressed in anger or frustration. Love them but don’t hamper their growth or enable immaturity.

It gets ugly when they want to be treated like adults but don’t want the responsibility. Boundaries must be set and problems addressed. Growth can be painful! But, with God all things are possible!

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