Learn To Give
Do you enjoy giving? Or do you always run short of funds to share?
Giving reveals the state of our heart. It tests our obedience to and dependence upon Christ.
Moses taught the Israelites to give for a specific reason, “that you may learn to revere the Lord your God always.” (Deuteronomy 14:23)
Revere means to honor, worship and adore the one true God. They had to learn to stand in awe of Him when they gave sacrificially. It was God’s way of teaching them to trust Him with the remaining 90%. They had to believe that what was left would sufficiently meet their needs – just like the manna He supplied daily in the wilderness.
Are you confronted with that same dilemma? Do you wonder if you can really live on 90% of what you earn? Most people fail to put giving at the top of their list. It’s an afterthought – the leftover after paying all the bills and buying whatever they want. Now hat’s the opposite of how God intended stewards to live.
Thankfully, our materialistic desires can be transformed by the Holy Spirit. It happens when we intentionally renew our minds. Meditating on God’s word through reading or listening enables us to abide and walk with Christ.
Now, this earth is not our home. Don’t build your life on golden calves. Instead, believe Jesus. He said, “… lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, that’s where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.” (Matthew 6:20)
Give up a meal out this week or forego those concert tickets. It’s a test. Learn from God’s Word and you will discover the joy of giving.
And if you need help today, I want you to call the Crown Help Line and speak to one of our staff, share your fear, ask for prayer and free counsel to help you take the next steps. Call today at 800-722-1976. Or visit online at Crown.org.