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How Much is Nostalgia Costing You?

Nostalgia costs Americans a lot of money! Maybe you’re holding on to things that represent memories, spending money on things because you’re resistant to change.

A friend told me about a man who was given a pump organ that had been in the family for decades. His mother had inherited it from her grandmother. It was from the “old country” and reminded her of her German heritage.

When she died the organ was very old and her only request was that the children never sell it. It first went to the oldest girl, his sister, who eventually dumped it on to him since his mother wanted one of the kids to have it. It was beautiful, but he didn’t play it. So it just occupied wall space and cost him every time he moved. Two times he moved it up the stairs into his apartment. One of the moves cost him a trip to the hospital with a back injury. It became a dust collector in his home that he came to resent. He tried to sell it many times but no offers came.

Finally, he put it out on the curb to see if anyone would take it off his hands. Guess what? The trash collectors would not pick it up. Finally, a man came by and asked if he could have it to use in a Halloween party!

The man was forced to change what he thought about the value of that sentimental organ! It had cost him far more than it was ever worth.

Change is never easy. It demands that we stop looking back so we can focus on the present and the days to come. It requires courage and faith in God. Isaiah said,

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:18-19)

Courageously accept change and pray for faith to trust God more if you’re resistant to change.

If you don’t want your nostalgia to dictate your life you need to let go of what’s costing you and embrace what God has for you. Leave the world behind and open your heart and mind to all God wants you to have!

And if your nostalgia has caused overwhelming credit card debt, get in touch with our partners at Christian Credit Counselors. Get started with a free debt analysis and learn more by calling the Crown Helpline at 800-722-1976 or online at