Fraud Protection
Are you protecting yourself from fraud?
Fraudsters continue impersonating trusted sources (like banks) through emails, texts, or even phone calls. They’re hoping you’ll respond and give them private information. This could result in their taking over your accounts. When imposters gain certain information, they can log into your accounts, enroll in services, and create payments. My bank says they’ll never ask for a username or password. They may ask for answers to authentication questions, but one’s private data should always remain private. Your bank will never ask you for the name of your mobile phone carrier or instruct you to enter a series of unfamiliar characters. If and when you receive emails from your bank, always investigate the address. Do NOT act on any requests, suspicious or not, until you take a minute to confirm the legitimacy of the sender.
Learn to STOP-CALL-CONFIRM. STOP what you’re doing. CALL about the request at a number you should have on file, NOT the number in an email. In fact, do not respond to the email. Then, CONFIRM the legitimacy of the request. This 3-step method may protect you from becoming a victim. Just like you learned to stop, drop, and roll to protect yourself from fire. STOP–CALL-CONFIRM can protect you from fraud.
We have a real thief who masquerades as an angel of light. He’s an imposter who desires to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus came that we might have life and have it to the full. So, guard your accounts, but more importantly, guard your heart.
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