Empty Your Storage Unit and Save $
Do you need extra money this month? Empty your storage unit!
We have way too much stuff and we pay too much to store it. Now that’s a problem! Go Banking Rates reports that nearly 10% of U.S. households rent a self-storage unit. They pay an average of $89 a month. Now that adds up to $1000 a year! There are times when a temporary unit is needed, but to store things for months on end is a waste of money that could go towards debt repayment, savings, or investing. Here are a few reasons you might be using one. You’re too attached to your stuff. You think you’ll need that stuff someday. You don’t have time to sell your stuff or you don’t have time to go through it all. Well, recruit somebody to help you go through it. Ask family members first, then appeal to friends or professionals. Why not sell it and make money or bless someone else by giving it away? Someday that stuff may be costing you more than it’s worth.
Being unmotivated to change is just plain expensive. Research competitive rates and sell valuable items on eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace. Have a storage unit clean out party and celebrate afterwards. Challenge yourself to clear it out by the end of this month. You may find things that would bless a needy family. Develop an eternal perspective. It helps us to focus on accumulating treasures in heaven, not on earth. Things of the world simply distract us from our main mission. So, empty that unit, turn in the key, and use that money for a greater purpose!
If you’re drowning in credit card debt, I recommend Christian Credit Counselors. They can create a debt management plan for you in the new year. For more information call the Crown Helpline: 800-722-1976 or visit online at crown.org/ccc.