Dam or Sprinkler?
I recently heard that we handle money either as a dam or a sprinkler. A dam stores up water. A sprinkler, on the other hand, evenly distributes water across an entire area.
Perhaps you’re a dam, storing up and only allowing the extra to trickle off the top. But, if you’re a sprinkler, you intentionally spread your resources to bless a dry and thirsty land.
The willingness to surrender to God a portion of what we have is the external evidence of an internal commitment. Giving is essential, not for God’s benefit, but for ours. He knows that we’ll experience abundant joy and blessing when we give. Not only is it our way of showing honor to Him with what He’s entrusted to us, but giving sacrificially forces us to be totally dependent on Him.
So, how can you give?
First, support your local church, then, those serving in organizations that build the kingdom of God through local, inner city, and oversea missions. Involve the entire family.
Here are a few ideas … you could treat someone to dinner, surprise a tired or needy friend with a gift card or babysitting, drive someone who is elderly or sick to the doctor, give of your own possessions to help young marrieds, single moms, or anyone you see struggling. Also, don’t forget that you can donate cars or bicycles to some charities. Share your skills in tutoring, home or auto repair.
And always be on the lookout for ways you can serve your neighbors and consider doing it anonymously.
Money, time, words of encouragement, food, clothes, furniture, and service are all great ways of giving.
The key is doing it with joy, not reluctantly or out of obligation, for God loves a cheerful giver. Ask Him how you can become a sprinkler that refreshes others.
But it’s also important that you’re connected to the source of the water as you’re pouring out to others. Crown’s new online study helps you grow in your relationship with Christ, and changes the way you see your money, so you can be a blessing to others. It’s just 7 lessons but can transform your life forever. Enroll today!