Cultural Expectations and Financial Stress
Immigrants face different financial pressures than many in our population.
My family and I, now all American citizens, immigrated here from S. Africa back in 2012. People who immigrate to America often suffer terrible financial stress. They must learn the language, navigate the culture, and carry the burden to succeed. This can lead to financial and emotional stress. The Apostle Paul told Timothy: “Anyone who doesn’t provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” But, God is faithful. He wants us to depend on Him and pray for specific needs and wisdom. When we experience His provision, it empowers us to trust Him more.
Regardless of whether you’re caring for extra family members, acknowledge God as your Provider. Then, establish a budget. If you’re caring for others besides your immediate family, determine how much can be allocated to them. In some cultures, parents make major sacrifices to educate their children. Once grown and earning a living, the roles now reverse. Children may be expected to care for their parents. If you’re in that predicament, help additional relatives create a budget and ask them to contribute to the needs of the family. Ask the Lord for wisdom and make the right decisions and the words to talk winsomely with your family.
If you’re struggling to make credit card payments because you’re helping family members, then I recommend Christian Credit Counselors. For more information call the Crown Helpline at 800-722-1976 or visit online at