Crown Stewardship Centers
In 2008, we launched our first Stewardship Center in Blantyre, Malawi.
In Malawi, we train villagers to overcome poverty using their own resources. We’ve expanded our work around the globe. Our Stewardship Centers are community-based hubs that empower at-risk individuals to discover their purpose, learn to make a living, and manage their resources. Individuals are taken through Crown’s core training, a principle-based agricultural course, and given opportunities to specialize in entrepreneurial or jobs skills training. The focus differs according to specific needs in the community or country. Once participants are trained, we hope they can say these things: “I’m transformed through the gospel to understand and live out my God-given design, and I’ve been discipled to use all that I am and have for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.”
Can you identify with those statements? It starts with accepting that God created you in His image with a unique design and purpose. You are after all “God’s Masterpiece.” You’re made to fulfill His purposes, not your own. For example, a John Deere tractor is designed to plow, not to commute in highway traffic. A Honda Accord is designed to get you around in traffic, not to plow a field. Learning your design will bring clarity, focus and joy to your life. Ask God for greater understanding or check out our Career Direct Assessment. It can help you understand how God made you. Like those in our Stewardship Centers, we want you to fulfill your God-given purpose.
And if you’re focused on figuring out how to pay your credit card debt, I recommend Christian Credit Counselors. For more information call the Crown Helpline: 800-722-1976 or visit online at