Creating Spending Plans Together
Would you say your financial plan is by design or default? Or, maybe you’re thinking, “what plan?!”
A solid financial plan helps you fulfill your life purpose and align yourself with Biblical values of prosperity. Satan works overtime to prevent you from planning and discourages couples along the way. Confusion can be thwarted when two people come together and simply resolve to get it done.
If your marriage is characterized by fighting, blaming, arguing, criticizing, or rationalizing financial issues then stop…. today! Accept that you both contributed to the problem, apologize, and take responsibility to solve it.
Then, get to work! Invite God into your pain. Ask Him for the strength, patience, and diligence to follow through. Hebrews says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
Start by recording all spending for 30 days. Once you know where your money goes, you can establish a written plan to help you spend less than you earn each month.
Make sure you develop processes to keep your plan moving forward, even when setbacks occur. Like a well-trained medic, you must know what to do and perform under pressure. Victory is attainable when you keep taking the next step forward. Commit to be honest, transparent, and open in your communication while seeking the Lord to give you grace, patience, perseverance, and courage.
Having a financial plan for your marriage gives you direction to work towards together, and it’s a lesson my wife and I had to learn . In fact, we’ve had to learn LOTS of lessons, so we wrote a book together to try and help other couples with their finances. Our book is called Money Problems, Marriage Solutions. For a donation of any amount to Crown financial ministries, I’ll send you a copy of our new book! Just go to to learn more!