Crazy Money! Saving Coins
It’s Crazy Money Day!
3000 people were polled, and 80% said they pick up coins they find on the street. Do you? MSN reports that Americans toss an estimated $68 million in coins annually! They’re discovered on sidewalks, in sofas, or in the trash. One 73-year-old looks for coins dropped at the window of his local drive-through. Runners pick up coins they find along streets and sidewalks.
Back in 2017, employees at ReWorld, a sustainable waste management company, noticed increasing amounts of coins in the trash they process. Using sophisticated sorting machines, they identify and extract coins from other waste materials. They’ve discovered $10 million in coins over the last 7 years.
I collect my spare change, roll the coins, and deposit them at the bank. You can too. Why not designate them for a special purpose? Use them to open a savings account or grow an emergency fund. A former employee saved coins for decades. He bought his wife a new car with them.
The Bible tells how Jesus observed a crowd putting money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. Then, a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, worth only a few cents. He told his disciples, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.” (Mark 12:43) So save your small coins, and give them to help others. God notices the smallest of our gifts.
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