Do you try to live within your means or do you rely on credit?
Credit’s an idol for many Christians. People put their trust in it and seek contentment in the use of it without thinking of the long-term consequences.
Jesus said, No one can serve two masters, either you’ll hate the one and love the other, or you’ll be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
God gave us financial principles for our own good. He wants us to know Him as the Creator and Owner of everything. He’s our Provider and gives us the privilege of managing what He’s provided! But it starts with depending on Him – not credit – and living within our means.
Today, more than half of Americans spend more than they earn. If that’s you, 4 simple guidelines can change your life.
- 1st, track your finances regularly.
- 2nd, limit spending to what you need – not want – and save what’s left.
- 3rd, exercise self-control.
- Last, be content with what you have – it frees you from fear and greed.
Knowing God is your Provider frees you from fear. And greed can be eliminated when we honor him as Owner of everything.
Turn from idolatry today and trust God fully. True contentment is found in Him alone!
If a previous lack of contentment or other circumstance has left you with overwhelming credit card debt, I highly recommend you contact Christian Credit Counselors. They have a team of highly professional and compassionate experts who can help. For more information call the Crown Helpline at 800-722-1976 or online at