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Choosing the Right Major

“You’re braver than you believe and stronger and smarter than you think.” At least that’s what The Pooh Storybook claims. But, based on rising student loan debt I have some doubts.

College is an expensive place to determine the calling on one’s life. But, every fall, countless students leave home without a clue. They take classes that won’t count towards their final degree, because they change majors or transfer schools.

And, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, only 39% of college students graduate in 4 years! You know what that means: the more time spent in college, the more someone is paying for tuition.

So, helping our students choose the right major can save LOTS of money. Parents and grandparents are actually struggling in retirement with the student loan debt they are carrying on behalf of their children or grandchildren!

So, what’s the solution?

First, pray for wisdom and discernment to guide your child. Ask the Lord to reveal areas of strengths so you can encourage and affirm your child’s talents and gifts.

Look for opportunities for your child to shadow someone in the career of their interest.  You’ve been a student of your child for many years. So, lovingly coach them in possible career options, and which ones to avoid.

Your child is God’s “workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that he should walk in them.”

Help them discover who they are to avoid frustration and the waste of time and money.

Career Direct is the best assessment tool I’ve found. It’s grounded in Scripture and looks at 4 key areas of your student to help them understand their unique design. It’s a comprehensive assessment that will save time, money, and stress. You can give your child, or a family friend, a Career Direct assessment as a gift at