Budgeting and Brussels Sprouts
Someone once told me that they thought budgeting was the financial equivalent of eating brussels sprouts. No one likes to do it… but we all know we should!
Well, maybe you can identify with my friend, or maybe you can identify with my wife, who loves both budgeting and brussels sprouts!
If the word budget intimidates you, think of it as a plan to prevent overspending and to prepare you for emergency expenses. It’s not meant to restrict your spending, but to give you the freedom to spend correctly. Just remember that you have to take it one day at a time. It’s a taste you can acquire.
Getting started can be hard, so you have to exercise faith. Each day’s victories will give you the motivation to make your budget a key to your financial health.
First, track your spending for one month. Write down every penny you spend or download an app that tracks it for you.
Then divide all your spending into categories. Look closely at your expenses and be sure of one thing: that they are less than your income.
A winning budget requires time to review income and spending so you can make a plan that fluctuates with your circumstances. Analyze, note areas where you can cut down on spending, adjust, and press on. Don’t give up. Just aim at doing better each month. You’ll gain confidence and come to appreciate your budget! Remember: perseverance builds character, and character hope!
Paul wrote about taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ because our thoughts lead to actions. So dwell on the benefits of a budget, then follow through…and you’ll grow in effective stewardship of all God gives you.
Do you need help or encouragement with your finances? To speak to one of our staff members, call Crown at 800-722-1976 or visit us online at crown.org