Are You Starting Late
Is financial stewardship new to you?
I discovered Biblical financial stewardship in my 40’s. My wife, Ann, registered us for a Crown class that I honestly did not want to attend. In my pride, I thought I knew everything there was to know about money. She knew I didn’t, but allowed God to teach me. I knew what the world said, but had ignored the financial wisdom contained in the Bible. Over the course of several weeks, I was cut to the core, humbled, and consequently repented from years of idolizing money. I decided to live by God’s financial principles. For the first time in our marriage, Ann and I were united financially. When I finally realized that God owns everything, I surrendered everything I’d previously claimed as mine. Ann and I began giving regularly and trusting God for our financial future. The Crown study revolutionized my life. It put me on a new path and gave me a fresh start to life. Surrendering every area of my life to God freed me to trust Him to meet my needs.
It’s never too late to learn the truth. Open your heart and receive God’s Word. Turn from the world’s ways of handling money and seek to live as His steward. Manage what He entrusts to you. When we surrender total control of our finances to God and accept our role as wise stewards, we’ll have peace. 1 Timothy 6:19 says, “Lay up treasure as a firm foundation for the coming age, and take hold of the life that is truly life.”
And if credit card debt has put you in financial bondage, allow our friends at Christian Credit Counselors to help you. They’ll create a debt management plan that works for you. For more information call the Crown Helpline: 800-722-1976 or visit online at