An Example of Hard Work
Are you a hard worker?
Felimina planned to work until she couldn’t walk anymore. She said that “As long as God will let me, I go one day at a time.” Years ago, NBC news affiliate in Buffalo, NY reported that 100-year-old Felimina worked 11-hour days, six days a week at the College Laundry Shoppe. A child of the depression, she didn’t believe “old people” should be sitting idle, and doing nothing unless they had a health issue. Work gave her a purpose, a reason to wake up each morning, and a reason to always hustle. She liked the routine, keeping busy, and being around people. She attributed her longevity to her hardworking nature. She managed the same laundromat and dry-cleaning business for 60 years. To me that’s beautiful! No complaining, no dependency – just faithfulness in doing her job.
Far too many people put a misplaced value on retirement, thinking it’s their end-of-life vacation. I believe in working as long as we can. When we don’t need to work for income, then we repurpose the hours in our days. The idea of retirement needs to be revised through a Biblical perspective. God can use each one of us regardless of our age. Our life experience grants wisdom that’s needed by others. Why not set a goal to re-purpose your life? Avoid the temptation to retire to a vacation spot working on your golf score. Felimina died in 2016 at age 101, but her inspiration lives on! Why not work and serve others as long as God grants you the strength!
Now I invite you to join us at Crown’s 2023 Reunion. We plan to gather October 12-15 at Ridgecrest Conference Center near beautiful Asheville, North Carolina. For more details and registration, go to