7 Rules for Riches: Be Frugal
Does your lifestyle reflect frugality? Do you intentionally deny yourself the luxuries the world promotes?
Over the last few days we have been discussing what I call the 7 Rules for True Riches, the next one is to Learn to be frugal. Jesus warned his disciples, “Take care, and be on your guard against all kinds of greed, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”
Possessions have a way of controlling us and trapping us. We need to protect ourselves – to guard our hearts from the lure of the world.
When we acknowledge as our Provider and the owner of everything, we will spend His money differently. We can be content with simplicity with the riches of Christ. We don’t need things to give us meaning and purpose in life. In fact, status, glamour and luxury fade in light of His goodness. And, debt disappears when we’re not held prisoner to the things of this world.
We all desire comfort and it takes effort to deny ourselves. But, in light of the needs around us, and the high levels of personal debt, it is important that Christians assess their standards of living.
Most people can reduce their expenditures substantially without a major reduction in lifestyle. It just requires some planning: being patient, avoiding quick financial decisions, and never spending money you don’t have even when you have available credit. It means tithing faithfully and avoiding get-rich schemes, saving regularly and planning for the future. Those who have surrendered their finances to God also experience His faithfulness. I am one of those.
If you want to begin today, first, give thanks for everything and pray for contentment.
Go on a spending fast. Cut all unnecessary expenses. Sell or give away what you don’t need. Ignore the media and renew your mind with Biblical truth. Enjoy creation, spend time with friends & family. Seek simplicity and lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely, so you can run with endurance the race that is set before you. (Hebrews 12:1)
In time, you will experience the frugal life.
To start living frugally so you can pay off debt, I want you to go through our new mini video series, 5 Steps to Debt Free Living. You can find it for free today at crown.org/debtfree or call us at 800-722-1976