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My mom suffered from an inferiority complex and wanted to look her very best in public. It drove a lot of her spending.

Dressing well was a priority for Mom. She worried about what other people thought of her appearance. Yet, she had a loving personality and a brilliant smile. She always said to me, “Son, the most important thing you’ll wear today is your smile.” I try to minimize what I spend on clothes and maximize how often I wear a smile. No amount of money will solve a poor self-image. Shopping can actually make things worse.  God is the answer. If you believe in Him you can rest in His love. Psalm 139 tells us that He created our inmost being and knit us together. We’re each unique –  fearfully and wonderfully made. 

In Ephesians 1, we read that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ. He chose us in him before the creation of the world. By His love, pleasure, and will, He predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ to the praise of his glorious grace, which he freely gave us in Christ. We’re redeemed through his blood and forgiven in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us, with all wisdom and understanding. He made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, and to top it off, He gave us the Holy Spirit and a promised inheritance that money can’t buy. It’s a gift. So receive it, believe it, and rejoice, and don’t forget – your smile is the most important thing that you’ll wear today.

Now if you’ve been helped by Crown or this radio station, can I ask you to support us? We will use your gift to reach so many in need all over the world. If you already do, so thank you for your generosity! You can begin giving today at