The First Lady of Madagascar gave training and a starter kit to farmers from every Madagascar district in honor of the International Women's Day. These women represent 23 regions of Madagascar. Their knowledge will be multiplied throughout each of their respective areas.
The Difference
We Make
Together is
If you visit Madagascar, your heart will be broken at the sight of children living in structures built from broken pallets, covered by leaking roofs made of thin garbage bags. Many mothers are so malnourished they cannot even feed their own infants, void of hope. Let's change that.
Your gift reaches the people of Madagascar by providing the resources they need to thrive in their own nation.
We invite you to watch this incredible video depicting the condition of Madagascar and the amazing hope that awaits when we bring real solutions in the name of Christ.
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Awarded in 2022

Member since 1988

Awarded 2019-2022

The Need is Urgent

The impoverished receive direct hands-on training from experts in conservation agriculture and biblical stewardship.
Crown, alongside our joint venture partner, Foundations for Farming International, launched a new initiative in Madagascar. And, thanks to our extraordinary partnership with their President and Minister of Agriculture, this gospel-centered program will be directly reaching 85% of Malagasy people. As the country is desperate to discover a solution to provide relief to their starving and suffering citizens, this project is moving at an expedited pace. Because of this, we have an urgent need for funding to establish a Crown Stewardship Center in Madagascar and to be able to meet their immediate and future needs.
The Problem
Major Crops in Madagascar
Will you help us reach the people in need in Madagascar?
Your gift reaches the people of Madagascar by providing the resources they need to thrive in their own nation.

Your Gift Directly Aids People in Need
Your support will allow some of the most impoverished people on this Earth to receive direct hands-on training from experts in conservation agriculture and biblical stewardship. The key to this program is that it targets household food security, not national food security. We work directly with subsistence farmers. Every person trained will have the ability to grow enough food to feed their own family. They will even be able to produce a surplus which they can sell to manage their living expenses and so they can be generous in their communities. This solution eliminates the threats of corruption which often accompany programs that provide outside food sources for the government to hand out to its citizens. Your gift will do more than provide emergency food relief, you will be supplying a long-term solution not just to physical hunger, but spiritual hunger, too.
Chuck Bentley
CEO, Crown
Your gift reaches the people of Madagascar by providing the resources they need to thrive in their own nation.