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GIF Preparing for Thanksgiving

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name. For the Lord is good.”
Psalm 100:4-5

Preparing for Thanksgiving
by Larry Burkett

As you think about Thanksgiving, what are you most thankful for? I think I’m most grateful for the freedom of worship. I’ve traveled all around the country, speaking to nearly every denomination, and I’ve been interested to see the various ways to worship the Lord. You can choose for yourself.

I choose to be a fundamental Christian: I believe that God’s Word is infallible, inspired, and inerrant. But in this country we aren’t forced to believe any certain way.

I own over a dozen Bibles of one kind or another and hundreds of Christian books. In many other countries if you even own one Bible it is grounds for imprisonment. If you have other Christian literature, that’s considered to be subversive and you can lose your life.

I’ve heard of people in other countries, where Bibles are prohibited, who have no more than a page or two from a Bible, which they had to either memorize and destroy or take a chance on hiding it. Don’t we take a lot for granted in this country?

With our religious freedom comes responsibility. We are responsible to show our gratitude by telling others about the Lord and helping them to know that their blessings come as a result of a loving God.

Think of what you are most thankful for so you’ll be ready to celebrate Thanksgiving Day properly.

Daily Scripture Reading:
Galatians 1 – 3