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GIF Prayer Habits

“Pray without ceasing.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Prayer Habits
by Larry Burkett

It’s good to set aside a particular time or times each day for prayer. But, instead of being in prayer at just those times, we should be in an attitude of prayer all day – wherever we are.

Of course, I don’t mean to pray aloud all day; that wouldn’t be practical or reasonable. I have found, however, that it’s easy to pray as you drive your car – just thanking the Lord for all you have or asking guidance for what you are about to do. If your particular job allows it, pray during your work time.

Your prayers must mean something to you if they are going to be effective. Without prayer, your life will be empty and discouraging. However, if you do pray “without ceasing,” you’ll find a peace that truly does pass all understanding.

If you try to make decisions without praying about them first, you’ll be operating in your own strength and, in large part, just cheating yourself.

Prayer brings the blessings of God’s will to your personal life and helps to keep you within God’s plan. Pray when you are in trouble; pray when things are going well. Pray for forgiveness; ask for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in your life. Pray for the salvation of others; pray for God’s continued protection and grace. Pray sometimes when all you do is praise God for His goodness and faithfulness.

Make a list of some other things you can pray for, put it in your Bible, and then read Mark 11:24 as confirmation that your prayers will be answered.

Billy Graham wrote that “Heaven is full of answers to prayer for which no one ever bothered to ask.”

Daily Scripture Reading: 

1 Chronicles 8:28-9:44