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GIF Positive Attitudes

“Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve. . .but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

(Joshua 24:15)

Positive Attitudes
by Larry Burkett

According to God’s Word, having a positive attitude simply means that we trust God, we are thankful for whatever He provides, and we seek His help in knowing how to use what we have.

Not only should we be positive about what is going on in our lives, but we should be able to praise God when He benefits someone else.

If we can praise God when someone else is prospering, we will have positive attitudes about whatever we are experiencing. Then, in God’s timing, our lives will be blessed according to His riches in glory.

Lord, help me to be renewed in the spirit of Your mind. (Read Ephesians 4:23.)

Daily Scripture Reading:
Psalms 1, 14-15, 36-37, 39