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GIF How To Be a Success

“You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures”
(James 4:3)

How To Be a Success
by Larry Burkett

The world’s view of success does not agree with God’s view. What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve success according to God’s way?

It’s not difficult to find ads promising to reveal the secrets of being a “success” today. Naturally, the ads are obscure enough that they don’t reveal these “secrets” unless you respond. But the implication is clear enough: Success today is related to money, power, and position.

It’s really not much different today than it has been. We first look at the material accumulation to determine if someone is successful. The admiration of society is carried one step further because even those who earn their wealth by deceit, extortion, or pornography are elevated to a platform of success today.

Most of those we call successful people today are frustrated and miserable, with terrible family lives; and, quite often they terminate their lives because they have nothing left to live for. The worst thing that can happen to those without Christ is to accomplish their goals, because then there is the potential that they may turn out to be worthless.

A successful person is one who accomplishes goals and is able to enjoy the benefits that result.

Daily Scripture Reading:
Luke 10:1-11:36