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GIF God, Family, Work

“Seek first His kingdom, and these things shall be added to you.”

(Luke 12:31)

God, Family, Work
by Larry Burkett

Most Christians know that in God’s priority system He must come first, family second, and work and recreation third.

However, it is possible to confuse this priority system and step out of God’s will.  Putting God first means the active, daily process of knowing and being known by God.

It starts with a thorough understanding of God’s handbook for life, the Bible. It requires a heartfelt desire to please God and a willingness to accept God’s authority over us.

Many times in the pursuit of this first priority, conflicts will arise in the lower priorities. For instance, what happens when a husband is called by God to serve Him and it requires relocating, which causes family conflicts? Usually, it’s a conflict because of family ties to a particular area.

It seems that those who are willing to be used by God through the years are faced with the same conflicts, but determining the first priority—seeking God first—will last for eternity. All other priorities cease at death.

Can you say with the psalmist, “I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord my God, with all myheart, and will glorify Thy name forever” (Psalm 86:12)?

Daily Scripture Reading:
Joshua 9-11